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- Worship Leader: Jerry Davis
- Church Clerk: Phylis Ragle
- Sr Deacon: Gordon Ragle
- Deacon: Van Ragle
- Pastor: Daniel Claxton
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- Sermons
- Christmas 12291024 Pt 1
- Ruth chpt 4 20241117
- Ruth Chpt 3 20241110
- Ruth Chpt 2 20241103
- Ruth chpt 1 20241027
- Jude Pt 12 Final
- Jude Pt 11 20241013
- Jude Pt 11 20241013
- Jude Pt 10 20241006
- Jude Pt 9 20240929
- Jude Pt 8 20240922
- Jude Pt 7 09152024
- Jude Pt 6 vs 8
- Jude Pt 5 Vs 8 09012024
- Jude Pt 4 vs 4 0825024
- Jude Pt 3 vs 3
- Jude Pt 2 vs 2 08112024
- Phillipians Chpt 4 Pt 7 vs 24 20240728
- Phillipians chpt 4 pt 3 verse 10 Jewels
- Phillipians chpt 4 Pt 2 vs 8 20240714
- Philipians chpt 4 Pt 1 07072024
- Phillipians chpt 3 Pt 6 vs 15 20240630
- Phillipians chp 3 Pt 5 vs 12
- Phillipians chp 3 Pt 4 Resume
- Phillipians chhp 3 Pt 2
- Phillipians Chpt 3 20240526
- 1 Corinthians 9 pt 2 vs 2 through 18 02240204
- Psalms 46 Robert Fiscus 02240128
- 1 Corinthians 9 Pt 1 Apostleship 20240121
- 1 Corinthians 8 For Consciense 20240107
- Christmas message Robert Fiscus 2023
- 1 Corinthians 7 Pt 2 vs 10 to 16 UNEQUALLY YOKED
- Thanksgiving 2023 Psalms 103
- Abraham Promise Land to Israel 20231112
- 1 Corinthians 7 Pt 2 vs 1 to 10
- 2 Peter 3 Day of the Lord vs 1 to 10 20231022
- 1 Corinthians 6 Pt 2 Two become One
- 1 Thessilonians 4 vs 13 to 18 Hope of Resurrection 10231008
- 1 Corinthians 6 Pt 1 vs 1 to 11 Suing Brothers in Christ 20231001
- The Seven Churches 7 Laodicia Rev 3 Vs 14 to 22
- 1 Corinthians 5 Unrepentant Sin 20230917
- The Seven Churches of oRevelation 6 Philadelphia Rev 3 vs 7 to 13
- The Seven Churches 5 Sardis Revelation 3
- 1 Corinthians 3 To Young for Spiritual Meat 20230820
- The Seven Churches 4 Thyatira Rev 2 vs 18 20230813
- 1 Corinthians 2 Christ and the Cross 20230806
- The Seven Churches 3 Pergamos Rev 2 vs 12 to 17 20230730
- 1 Corinthians 1 chap 1 Pt 3 Division 20230723
- 1 Corinthians 1 chap 1 Pt 2 Introduction 20230716
- 1 Corinthians 1 chp 1 Pt 1 Introduction 20230709
- The Seven Church 2 Smyrna Rev 2 8 to 11
- Romans 16 Greet the Saints
- Romans 15 Pt 3
- Romans 15 Pt 2 20230521
- Mothers Day 2023 Proverbs 31
- Romans 15 Pt 1 Elders Inconvenience
- The Seven Churches 1 of Asia Minor Ephesus
- Romans 14 Pt 2 Mature Christians
- John 20 Did Thomas Really Doubt
- Easter 2023 John 23 thru 24 Resurrection
- Romans 14 Pt 1 Listen to Conscious 20230402
- The Seven Churches 1 Ephesus
- Romans 13 Pt 2 Righteous Lot 20230326
- Romans 13 Pt 1 Be Subject to Authority 20230312
- Romans 12 Living Sacrifice
- Romans 11 Pt 3 Time of the Gentiles
- Romans 11 Pt 2 Israel in a stupor
- Romans 11 Pt 1 The 7000 have not bowed to Baal
- Romans 10 Pt 2 the 70 weeks of Daniel
- Romans 10 Israel
- Romans 9 Pt 2 The Elect
- Romans 9 Pt 1 vs 1 to 22 Election
- Romans 8 Pt 5 Safe in Gods Hands
- Romans 8 Pt 4 Joseph
- Colossians 2 vs 8 to 23 Thanksgiving
- Romans 8 Pt 3 vs 18 to 30
- Romans 8 Pt 2 vs 1 to 17 Sons of God
- Romans 8 Pt 1 vs 1 to 11 No Condemnation in Christ Jesus
- Romans 7 Pt 2 Law vs Spirit
- Romans 7 Pt 1 Dead to the Power of the Law
- Romans 6 Pt 2
- Romans 8 vs 28 Nothing Can Separate Us from Jesus
- Romans 6 Pt 1 Baptized into Jesus Death
- Romans 5 Pt 4 Gods Cure for Fallen Man
- Romans 5 Pt 3 All Die in Adam
- Romans 5 Pt 2 Would a man willingly die to save his Enemies
- Romans 5 Pt 1 Fruit of Peace with God
- Romans 4 Pt 4 Abraham Justified by Faith and not law
- Romans 4 Pt 3 Is there Value in Circumcision
- Romans 4 Pt 2 Davids sins forgiven and covered vs 6 and 7
- Romans 3 21 to 4 2 Gods Promise to Abram
- Romans 3 Pt 2 Propitiation Justification Redeemed
- Romans 3 Pt 1 Jews Given the Oracles from God
- Romans 2 PT 3 When Circumcision is not Circumcision
- Romans 2 Pt 2 vs 12 Why the Jews
- Romans 2 Pt 1 vs 1 to 12 Cont the Wrath of God
- Romans 1 Pt 2 Greetings from Paul
- Romans 1 Pt 1 Greetings
- Romans 0 Introduction
- Acts 28 Pt 2 What Happens to Paul at Rome
- Mothers Day 2022 Jochebed
- Acts 28 Pt 1 Spiritual Gifts at Work
- Acts 27 Raging Storms Ahead
- Easter 2022 The Resurrection
- Acts 25 thru Acts 26 Paul Appeals to Caesar
- Acts 24 Governor Felix meets Paul
- Acts 23 Paul rescued by Roman Army
- Acts 21 thru 22 Paul Arrested in Jerusalem
- Acts 21 Pt 1 Women and Phrophecy
- Acts 20 Pt 2 Pauls Message to the elders
- Acts 20 Pt 1 vs 1 to 12
- Acts 19 Pt 3 Riot at Ephesus
- Act 19 Pt 2 Pauls Filthy Rags
- Acts 19 Pt 1 vs 1 to 7 Salvation and the Holy Spirit
- Acts 18 Pt 2 Paul at Ephesus
- Acts 18 Pt 1 Paul at Corinth
- Acts 17 Pt 2 The Unknown God
- Acts 17 Pt 1 The Bereans
- Christmas 2021
- Acts 16 Pt 2 Jailer set free
- Acts 16 Pt 1 Paul and Silas Mission Journey
- Acts 15 Pt 4 Two Mission Teams
- Acts 15 Pt 2 Law vs Grace
- Acts 15 Pt 1 Law vs Grace and Faith
- Acts 14 Sometimes Miracles are not enough
- Acts 13 Pt 3 Trouble in Antioch
- Acts 13 Pt 2 The False Prophet
- Acts 13 Pt 1 Antioch sends Missionaries
- Acts 12 Pt 2 God Judges Herod
- Acts 12 Pt 1 Herod Murders Apostle James
- Acts 11 Pt 3 Antioch Missionary Church
- Acts 11 Pt 2 Prophets in the Church
- Acts 11 Pt 1 Gentiles in the Church
- Acts 10 The gospel comes to a Roman soldier
- Acts 9 Pt 4 Dorcas Life from Death
- Acts 9 Pt 3 Saul and the Apostles
- Acts 9 Pt 2 Saul a New Creation
- Acts 9 Pt 1 Sauls Conversion
- Acts 8 Pt 3 Ethiopian Eunuch
- Acts 8 Pt 2 the Deacon and the Sorcerer vs 4 to 25
- Acts 8 Pt 1 Enemy of the Church
- Acts 7 Death of Stephen
- Acts 6 The First Deacons
- Acts 5 The Arrest of Apostles
- Acts 4 vs 32
- Acts 4 vs 21 Boldness
- Acts 4 vs 1 to 21 Trial of Peter and John
- ACTS 3 Cripple Man Leaps
- Acts 2 The Holy Spirit
- Acts 1 Introduction
- Matthew 28 The Resurrection
- Matthew 27 Pt 2 The Cross
- Matthew 27 Pt 1 Trial before Governor
- Matthew 26 Pt 5 Peter Denies Jesus
- Matthew 26 Pt 4 Jesus Arrested
- Matthew 26 Pt 3 Lord Supper
- Matthew 26 Pt 2 One should die for the many
- Matthew 26 Pt 1 Passover
- Matthew 25 Pt 4 Sheep and Goats
- Matthew 25 Pt 3 Sheep and Goats Judged
- Matthew 25 Pt 2 Good Investment
- Matthew 25 Pt 1 Do you have Oil
- Matthew 24 Pt 7 Generation see Christ Return
- Matthew 24 Pt 6 The Resurrection
- Matthew 24 Pt 5 Sun turns Dark
- Matthew 24 Pt 4 Israel Reborn
- Matthew 24 Pt 3 Abominatioin of desolation
- Matthew 24 Pt 2 Herods Temple
- Matthew 24 Pt 1 Plagues
- Matthew 23 Woe to Hypocrites
- Matthew 22 Pt 3 Son of David
- Matthew 22 Pt 2 Men Testing Jesus
- Matthew 22 Pt 1 Wedding Feast
- Matthew 21 Pt 4 Authority and Vinyards
- Matthew 21 Pt 3 where are the Figs
- Matthew 21 Pt 2 Temple Cleansed
- Matthew 21 Pt 1 Kings and Donkeys
- Matthew 20 Pt 3 The Blind
- Matthew 20 Pt 2 The Cup of Suffering
- Matthew 20 Pt 1 Last shall be First
- Matthew 19 Pt 4 whats in it for us
- Matthew 19 Pt 3 Falling Short of Perfection
- Matthew 19 Pt 2 Divorce and Forgiveness
- Matthew 19 Pt 1 Divorce
- Matthew 18 Pt 2 Forgiveness
- Matthew 18 pt 1 Faith of a Child
- Matthew 17 Pt 3 King and Taxes
- Matthew 17 Pt 2 Elijah
- Matthew 17 Pt 1 Jesus transfiguration
- Matthew 16 Pt 5 Rewards
- Matthew 16 Pt 4 The Glory of Jesus
- Matthew 16 Pt 3 Peter Rebukes Jesus
- Matthew 16 Pt 2 The Rock
- Matthew 16 Pt 1 Leaven of Pharisees
- Matthew 15 Pt 2 A Mothers Faith
- Matthew 15 Pt 1 What Defiles a Man
- Matthew 14 Pt 3 Peter Walks on Water
- Matthew 14 Pt 2 Jesus Feeds 5000
- Matthew 14 Pt 1 Death of John the Baptist
- Matthew 13 Pt 4 Rejected in Nazareth
- Matthew 13 Pt 3 Treasure Pearl Net
- Matthew 13 Pt 2 Tares
- Matthew 13 Pt 1 The Soil
- Matthew 12 Pt 5 Sign of Jonah
- Matthew 12 Pt 4 Fruit
- Matthew 12 Pt 3 Blasphemy
- Matthew 12 Pt 2 Divided Kingdom
- Matthew 12 Pt 1 Jesus is Greater than the Temple
- Matthew 11 Rejection
- Matthew 10 Pt 3 Take Up Your Cross
- Matthew 10 Pt 2 Sheep in Wolves Clothing
- matt_10_pt_1_send_laborers_convert_to_mp3_-_copy.mp3
- Matthew 1 Pt 1 Geneolgy of the KING
- Romans 13 Submit to Authority from God
- Acts 15 Pt 1 Law vs Grace